While this program is certainly a cute way of disseminating interesting information, I strongly advise people to exercise some scrutiny with regard to any "fact" provided. While some of them are correct (Buzz Aldrins mothers maiden name was in fact Moon), I have looked into a few "facts" I thought suspicious, and found while they are popular to believe on the internet, they arent "true." While I dont mean to be harsh with my score of only two stars, I do mean to reflect that the staff may want to more thoroughly review what information they term as facts, even if in the grand scheme, it may not really matter if a whales "member" (iTunes restricts the posting of the proper name, it would seem) is actually called a Dork (one of the many facts in this program that, according to a few marine biologists friends of mine, is not true). Worth a dollar, for sure. But not necessarily accurate.