9000 Awesome Facts and Laws Pro SALE [ex 6500 / 3000 Awesome Facts Pro] App Reviews

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Fun, but far from accurate.

While this program is certainly a cute way of disseminating interesting information, I strongly advise people to exercise some scrutiny with regard to any "fact" provided. While some of them are correct (Buzz Aldrins mothers maiden name was in fact Moon), I have looked into a few "facts" I thought suspicious, and found while they are popular to believe on the internet, they arent "true." While I dont mean to be harsh with my score of only two stars, I do mean to reflect that the staff may want to more thoroughly review what information they term as facts, even if in the grand scheme, it may not really matter if a whales "member" (iTunes restricts the posting of the proper name, it would seem) is actually called a Dork (one of the many facts in this program that, according to a few marine biologists friends of mine, is not true). Worth a dollar, for sure. But not necessarily accurate.

Great app but...

This is a great app but their illusion is a fake. The image is rotating and if you turn the iPod upside down and back really fast you can see the girl struggling to choose a direction.

Not accurate

Not only is the app not accurate, its not useful to share the one or two facts that are useful. No Facebook upload! Booo!

Bobo the clown

The app is very entertaining but it talks a lot of crap about America. Im assuming a European guy made this app

Very repeditive

All of the facts keep repeating themselves and they are cut off sometimes and the person who made this should really learn how to use the English language....... Grammar and spelling.

Pretty lame

U should prob. Stop puttin the period to shortin the word(i did the one above for example and how and wwhen do u get the illusion??????? Lame game it keps repeting and their wrong (well, some)

Wait !!!

Needs problems fixed. Dont buy till they fix.  change app. Name to awsome facts & fiction.

Where is it from?

I like this app. The facts are interesting and I can know them before others try to impress me with this knowledge. The one problem is that when I share the facts, I cant back them up. Its hard to convince people that they are true facts just based on, "its from an app," and frankly, I dont blame them. I suggest the app shows its sources along with its other great features. Kind of like a bibliography button.

Very average

At first this seemed like a pretty cool app but after I got to reading a lot of these I realized that it is poorly put together. Many of the facts are reworded then repeated, which is frustrating seeings how I paid for 3000 facts not 2000 facts and most of those repeats. Theres no way to bookmark, add favorites, and some are too long and cant be read entirely. Also, it would be nice to have something that cited the source of the facts or explain them because some of them seem fabricated.

Some facts are repeated...

...and are reworded differently. Others are wrong. And I hate how there are so many typos, even in the description. I bet English is the developers second language


For when youre bored. . . Which us a lot. lol

Needs update

Its awesome but some facts are out dated or false.


I like it but the fact that says the only nation that starts with an A and ends in an A is Afghanistan is false because you forgot Azerbaijan please fix. Thanks

Facebook posting??

Could you possibly look into putting a button in the app where we can post facts to facebook?

Questionable Accuracy

I have found multiple inaccuracies. However entertaining this is to read it can not be trusted without verification.

They are wrong

They can not be trusted without proof oh and heres an example: they said "eye seeing dogs are color blind but can tell whats on the singnle by looking at the "on" simbal" or something like that but heres the part there wrong: dogs are no color blind, just green blind.

Its good!

Its really Interesting and a great time killer! But the only thing wrong with it is it has a lot of typos.


Ive used this app for 4 years and a day hasnt gone by I havent looked at it. Its a great time killer and pretty interesting to. Im not giving it 5 stars because it has to many errors and some facts are partially correct.

Super Fun

Extremely Enjoyable and Addictive despite occasional grammar / spelling mishaps and sometimes questionable validity.


Dont believe much of these "facts"